So the Privy Counsel delivered their verdict today on the infamous Vybz Kartel case who has been serving his sentence for having found GUILTY in a Jamaican court of law.

Elie Wiesel once said……”There may be times when we are powerless to prevent injustice, but there must never be a time when we fail to protest”…. Look, I really was not following the case but because of who he is I had no choice but to know what was happening! This entire case was a case in a weave basket, full of holes but apparently, it seems the DPP in all her glory, saw it fit to go to court in what can be called at best flimsy evidence and at worst, evidence fit for garbage as they were so corrupted, when the Privy counsel heard them, they held their nose.

It seems Jamaica’s justice seems to be a hit-and-miss at best. Kartel has the money to argue his case all the way to the Privy counsel but this ruling brings to light how many other cases are in the same sloppy at best folder, with shoddy evidence, and those people, mostly poor people, are in jail because the sloppy justice SYSTEM sent them there?

Wherever there is power, greed, and money, there is corruption. The spotlight to me is on the DPP and no doubt she will not be questioned as to her obvious mishandling of the case which highlights the CORRUPTION that pervades the Jamaican system. SMH….We are our worst enemy.

It amazes me that the PC did not just say look, based on the evidence presented before us this case is null and void, period. But to send it back to the Jamaican authorities to appeal to see if there is a possibility of a retrial is incredulous. How in God’s name can there be a retrial? Which evidence will be used? Is it the same corrupt ones used before? And how much of the available evidence is already corrupted? Which juror can you find in Jamaica who can be fair and balanced and not be affected by the noise in social media and the public space? All this is nothing but a slap in the face to the Jamaican justice system and frankly, there will be no consequences.

When you look at our people and how they perform in the Systems they were trained to administer it is no wonder we are where we are. We have brainless leaders in every sector who are nothing but amateurs, devoid of any ability to master the system and make it fair and balanced for the Jamaican people. We are incapable of this and to me, it’s another cog to remove ourselves from the monarchy we seem to accept lock, stock and barrel! We are still a product of the colonial system from which we were born and frankly, there is no one capable of taking this baby out of the bath water. What a travesty!

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