The World has this habit of dedicating a single day of the year and paint some theme over it to make it significant. The idea is purely economic .
But beyond the consumerism is the fact that #Fatherhood is as rare as finding peace in the World. So to all the Dad’s and Fathers , the true brothers that don’t just donate sperm… Here are the 10 PILLARS to fatherhood .
1. This day is just a reminder for you to uphold your responsibility
2. A reminder your life changed when your little one was born into this world
3. A reminder that there is no family without a Father
4. Yes there are days you will be dragged, but remember your little ones are looking at how you recover and respond
5. Don’t EVER think your little one is too young to know what is happening. Babies are silent for a reason. Watch their eyes.
6. Humility is the greatest lesson you can teach your little one
7. Your responsibility never ends, its just becomes a reference as you and your child goes older
8. It takes 2 to make a child. It takes a village to raise a child . You are the chief of that village
9. Material wealth is nothing compared to LOVE. When you love your family , you feed them naturally
10. If you think YOU growing up was difficult, wait until you have YOUR child.

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